Disruption in the downloads

Update 16:00: The disruption is gone now.

Original post from July 15th 2021:

Hi there,

short note: Due to changes in our DNS structure an IPv6 address that does not belong there got stuck in the entries.
As a result, downloads and some other bot services are currently unavailable because our API server cannot be accessed correctly.

As an alternative that you can take instead of the download page at the moment, you can use the respective direct link to the version: https://download.mfbot.de/v5.3.3.0/MFBot.exe.

The problems should be solved as soon as the DNS update has arrived everywhere, but this can still take between 4 and 16 hours.

Thank you for your patience!

v4.7.2b1-4 beta notice

03/04/2018 13:35
Hi there! Just another short notice about the beta channel, we pushed an update onto Version 4.7.2b4 which basically only fixes the problem that the new dungeons are entered now even when they are not supposed to.
(Download in case of updater problems).

02/04/2018 12:15
Hi there! Just another short notice about the beta channel, we pushed an update onto Version 4.7.2b3.
We fixed behavior regarding the new added dungeons and also fixed the recognizing of monday events – like todays easter event.

Spanish Users can download a new language pack.

30/03/2018 12:35
Hi there! Just another short notice about the beta channel, we pushed an update onto Version 4.7.2b2.
We fixed behavior regarding the new pet levels and changed also the way, the bot updates its list of dungeons and pets. If you are using 4.7.2b1, do an update! Beta 1 might crash occasionally.

30/03/2018 11:00
Hi there! Just another short notice about the beta channel, we pushed an update onto Version 4.7.2b1.
This update is meant to fix and compensate the most problematic changes in the new SF update (end of march), but be aware that the exclusive function of the new assassin class (e.g. second weapon) may still not work properly.
Note also that we’ve adjusted and language packages for this version, but they also do work for the initial version 4.7.1!


+ implemented assassin class type (partly, it’s still not recommended, but it works apart from the second weapon)
+ implemented new dungeons
~ changed limit of pet levels up to 200 according to the new update
# adjustments for arena modes


status update 14.03.2017

Because we know most users aren’t on facebook, here the following update:

We think it’s time for a short life sign!

As already mentioned lately, we did actually work at the bot – but not as fast as we would like.
In addition to our real life, there were a few internal restructurings of our software, which took us a bit of time to migrate to.
Since a couple of days, we’ve been able to get some more work done (including bug fixes or minor feature requests), and the next version is coming soon, but it can still take a while – so please be patient!
In particular, the one or the other bug needs a special treatment without which we don’t want to release a new bot version.

Bye for now!