Read in:
Note: Changes with an exclamation mark break compatibility with the previous version. Please make sure to read up those changes in the release post
Version 6.0.0 (Nightly, might change)
- Added: Basic support for the Necromancer class
- Added: The bot now recognizes and notifies the user via log if an accounts’ server has been fused.
- Added: (Console) There are now command-line parameters that can be listed with –help.
- (!) Changed: This version needs .NET 6 installed and is not based on .NET Framework anymore! See download page / homepage post for details.
- (!) Changed: The console is now (for the moment, might change) based on the Terminal.Gui ( library.
- Changed: The language files are now embedded in the bot, not separate files anymore
- Changed: In general, a lot of changes under the hood.
- Fixed: If you change the server of an account to one that hasn’t been logged in yet, but needs SSO, the bot should do a better job guiding you.
- Fixed: If the sfgame configuration file hasn’t been fetched yet by the bot and the directory is missing, the bot now creates it.
- Fixed: The bot should now, due to the update to .NET 6, be able to fetch dungeon/pet/server config updates on its own.
- Fixed: Fixed a few deadlocks caused by some SSO login requests
- Fixed: The bot doesn’t disable custom underworld build order just because buildings are currently being upgraded.
- Fixed: If you change your SSO account credentials after the first login, they get saved now.
- Removed: Removed all remaining (inofficial) Windows XP supporting code
- Removed: Dark mode is (currently) not available – but we’re working on it!
Version 5.6.2
- Added: The server of accounts can now be changed via settings in the UI.
- Fixed: Settings controls sometimes didn’t have the correct background color for indicating whether they were readonly or not.
- Fixed: Added workaround for the error “credentials must be non-null for SFAccounts” when importing another account on a Single-Sign-On account (S&F-Account)
Version 5.6.1
- Changed: Maximum Gold limit is changed from 10 billion to near infinity
- Fixed: Resources (Gold, Mushrooms, Quicksand Glasses, Lucky Coins, Metal, Splinter, Wood, Stone, Souls, Pet Fruits) are recognized correctly again
- Fixed: Login issues, primarily while using an SF-Account for the linux consoles
- Fixed: Number of dismantle possibilities today are recognized correctly again
- Fixed: Underworld fights with suggested enemies are working again
- Fixed: Log message of gathering gold from gold mine contained invalid number when amount exceeded some large value
- Fixed: Names of dice types from dice game are now translated correctly in log messages
- Fixed: Name of won dice reward shows correct one now in log messages
Version 5.6
- Added: Users with a custom fortress build order now can configure if they want to fallback to the default order after the list is done.
- Added: An SF-Account can now be used to log in characters connected to it.
- Added: Characters on Europe servers can now be added via user/password and directly choosing “Europe” in the country list
- Change: If loading a character fails, the bot tries to load the following ones.
- Fixed: Entries from the custom fortress build order will no longer be deleted if the building could not be upgraded
- Fixed: Unknown values for sub-events will now be ignored
- Fixed: The “Add new account” window now doesn’t getstuck on resized positions/width/height anymore
- Fixed: Mushroom usage caused by dungeon attacks while the cooldown timer is still running
Version 5.5
- Added: Game features with unlock screen (see also are now recogized and used correctly by the bot
- Added: Dungeons Dragons Hoard, House Of Horrors, 3rd League of Superheroes, Dojo of Childhood Heros, Monster Grotto
- Added: Split old dungeons now get recognized as such
- Added: Guild rank was added as a possible column in the Account overview.
- Added: The Bot is now able to buy better items without equipping them
- Changed: Dungeons can now be enabled/disabled separately, this has also been moved to the advanced dungeon settings node.
- Changed: The setting “Roll up to x times with quick sand glasses” now allows setting 19 as highest number.
- Changed: The setting “Maximum per day” for the Wheel Of Fortune now allows setting 40 as highest number.
- Changed: On bards/druids the equipment window now shows the shield equivalent of the class.
- Changed: Enchanting will also be done for companions (hand, weapon) if not excluded in the settings.
- Changed: Dungeon simulations now get logged with an information about their results.
- Fixed: After SFs update from October 2022, several dungeons have not been recognized/entered correctly. This has been fixed.
- Fixed: During the “Lucky Day” event, the bot now recognizes that the dice game is possible to be played up to 20 instead of 10 times.
- Fixed: During the “Lucky Day” event, the bot now recognizes that the Wheel of Fortune is possible to be turned up to 40 instead of 20 times.
- Fixed: On druids, scout items won’t be ignored anymore in multiple places.
- Fixed: Using the SMART quest settings, the priority for choosing a quest where multiple quests had the same value on a selection criterion had been ignored.
- Fixed: Prevented a problem with the new backend, where the bots’ internal fortress opponent search logic could get an account stuck if the backend didn’t reroll an invalid opponent.
- Fixed: Reversed column contents in the Account overview on Mono.
- Fixed: Fixed crash while opening players and guilds from the hall of fame
- Fixed: Crashes because of corrupted bot.dat reduced
- Fixed: Multiple game functions that were previously activated by an item and that now are features (a.o.t. the ones listed in have been fixed.
- Fixed: Skipping mine search with mushrooms sometimes didn’t calculate the correct cost and thus couldn’t finish the search.
- Fixed: An issue where the bot could be stuck in a loop trying to clear the inventory if all items have already been in the toilet was fixed.
- Fixed: When an account was broken(no server url) all following accounts could not be loaded
- Fixed: Multiple minor problems occuring because of the new backend have been fixed.
Version 5.4.3
- New: Added setting to make skipping quests for free during “Piecework Party” possible
- New: During pet event pets will be fed up to 9 times
- New: During witch event the witch accepts all items now
- New: Hellevator fights are supported
- (!) Changed: Settings for skipping quests were overhauled and unified.
While converting the affected settings, skipping quests for free will be enabled automatically if one of the previous options (mushrooms/quicksand glasses) was enabled.
- Fixed: Maximum number of images for scrapbook is 2211 now
- Fixed: Enchanting items didn’t work anymore
- Fixed: Leving keeper caused an infinite loop when keeper building wasn’t built
- Fixed: More adjustments for the new backend, espcially fight handling
- Removed: Settings for choosing the events to buy mushrooms on
Version 5.4.2
- New: Dungeon “Tavern of the Dark Doppelgangers” is now supported
- Changed: The arena manager setting will be deactivated as soon as your account reaches 10 Novemquadragintillion (1E+151) runes because the end screen will then be shown ingame
- Fixed: Issues with using the new backend (a.o.t. some of the things mentioned below)
- Fixed: Issue, when fortress fight resources exceeded a specific value (new backend related)
- Fixed: Issue regarding wheel of fortune when winning too much gold on gold event
- Fixed: Issues regarding the recognition of guild system messages
- Fixed: Accounts couldn’t register to guild attacks/defenses anymore
- Fixed: Infinite loops that could result from using counter attacks in the fortress
Version 5.4.1
- New: The tab “Better items” will show if the new item has a socket for gems and if the old one also had a socket
- New: The tooltip of the scrapbook percentages in the Account Details window will also show the achievements progress now
- New: The guaranteed epic items for Epic Quest Extravaganza event will now be recognized as epic items instead of as dungeon keys
- Changed: More improvements with number formatting in log messages (thousands separator)
- Changed: Shields will be treated as weapons for everything that’s related to the witch (Selling items & choosing quests according to items for witch)
- Changed: Quicksand glasses and Lucky Coins in the footer of the “Account details” window do also have thousands separators now
- Changed: The shoes will only be put to inventory on Nicholas day when the achievement hasn’t been owned yet
- Changed: The log message for arena fights will also show the XP gained now
- Changed: The bot won’t login to check for guild fight registration, if you already registered for guild fight and defense and the grace period of one of both is not over yet to reduce unnecessary activity
- Changed: Improved design of the email notifications, for light as well as dark theme
- Fixed: The correct type of dice wasn’t kept correctly
- Fixed: The maximum amount of images of the scrapbook wasn’t correct anymore
- Fixed: An empty pet data configuration file due to issues while downloading (e.g. server down on our side) could lead to issues
- Fixed: Arcane splinters and metal have not been recognized correctly when used from inventory during event
- Fixed: Guild members with guild pet level 0 could cause issues for every other guild member on S31 DE
- Fixed: For some languages the settings option “Exclude only legendary gems” was overlapped by others
- Fixed: The option “Max. mushroom usage” for “Buy better items using mushrooms” wasn’t considered correctly
- Fixed: When reaching 10 billion gold the log message talked about 1 billion gold
- Fixed: When colleting the reward for the daily quest, the log message won’t say you lost XP any longer
- Fixed: When all quests needed the same amount of time and rewarded the same amount of gold the bot chose the quest with the least XP (This was also happening for other priority combinations)
- Fixed: Notifications couldn’t be sent by mail
- Fixed: In several cases, the bot didn’t act by server time if that didn’t exactly match the local time
- Fixed: Adjusted to an issue where the new backend could send malformatted integer values
- Changed: Small improvements with number formatting in log messages (Quests, Collecting resources in fortress and underworld, Dicegame reward, More to follow in the next versions)
- Changed: While playing the dice game, the bot now shows more log messages for the current status of the game
- Changed: While playing the dice game, the bot now ignores dice types that are below “RollAgain” in the current priority list and then chooses the dice type with the highest amount or, if two pairs have the same amount, the one with the highest set priority
- Fixed: Items won’t be thrown into the toilet anymore when they should be used for the cauldron
- Fixed: If the gold reward playing the dice game was above 21 million, the bot didn’t do anything anymore
- Fixed: Sometimes when exiting the bot / single accounts an error was thrown
Version 5.4.0
- New: Added images for legendary gems
- New: Added option to exclude legendary gems from being sold (despite the already existing “Don’t sell any gem” option)
- New: Added Data for stage 11-20 of the 13th Floor so the bot can attack those opponents
- New: Added all missing classes for the “Ignore class”-setting in the arena
- New: Added Mannequin item and a setting to let it be bought automatically
- New: (Experimental) Added possibility to let the dice game be played automatically
- New: The keeper in the underworld can now be upgraded automatically
- New: It is possible to set a minimum of souls to keep while upgrading the keeper automatically
- New: Improved compatibility with new events
- (!) Changed: Items which have legendary gems equipped won’t be considered while looking to equip better gems. This is to prevent the replacement of an already equipped legendary gem. The bot does not understand everything about the legendary gems so this was the best option for a fast patch for now.
- Changed: When moving a building in the custom build order of Fortress/Underworld the selected item stays selected after moving once so that you can move it multiple times without the need to reselect it all the time
- Changed: Now, it is not longer only possible to complete one dungeon per account per hour, but now the respective cooldown period is respected per dungeon (e.g. for pets or twisters with more than 90% remaining life after a fight).
- (!) Fixed: Custom build order for Fortress and Underworld is not build in reverse anymore but exactly like added in the settings
- Fixed: At least one game server had problems recognizing to the bots’ commands. The bot was adjusted for this case and should now run stable there and on any other game server with similar problems.
- Fixed: If the account name on the bot had an uppercase letter, the gem average calculation couldn’t properly be read, which resulted in log spamming and unnecessary many calculations
- Fixed: Key for the dungeon “Nordic gods” is now recognized and displayed correctly as key
- Fixed: The Twister dungeon can now be entered multiple times in a row again if your character had more than 90% life left in the last fight
- Fixed: In some cases the bot tried to throw items in the toilet that were already in there, now it won’t anymore.
- Fixed: Increased compatibility with a certain type of private servers
- Fixed: In some cases the bot kept logging in while doing quests if the settings “Skill by using a percentual distribution” and “Skill after each quest” were enabled even though it didn’t actually have to do anything after.
- Removed: Sparfuchs has been removed
Version 5.3.3
- New: Recognition of the druid and the possibility to view and change its current mask.
- New: Added new opponents to several dungeons
- Changed: The maximum amount of gold is now 10,000,000,000
- Fixed: The bot will only do a maximum of 5 fights per day in the underworld
- Fixed: Bug in event recognition
- Removed: Leveling of companions
- Fixed: Error in demotion text of guild members
- Fixed: Error in text of “Guild no longer free” dialog
Version 5.3.2
- Added: Support for the new character class “Demon Hunter”
- Added: Support for the two new dungeons “Mount Olympus” and “Mount Olympus – Shadow”
- Added: Support for the calendar – even without the advent
- Changed: In case of a full inventory during dungeon fights, the bot no longer completely pauses for 30 Minutes, instead only the respective next try gets delayed by 30 minutes.
- Fixed: Bugs in guild fight participation, added more information for further debugging
- Fixed: Bugs in the nordic shadow dungeon leading to the bot recognizing it as done.
- Fixed: Eyebrows on character images
- Fixed: Multiple minor bugs and possible bug sources
Version 5.3.1
- Changed: The bot does now communicate with our servers via TLS 1.2
- Fixed: Guild message of kicked members
- Fixed: “Run with windows”
- Fixed: Using normal build order after the custom one is finished
- Fixed: Recognition of level up
- Fixed: Removal of the last item of the manual underworld building upgrade list when its build has begun
Version 5.3
- Added: Using quick sand glasses (not in the tavern, but into the qsq “storage”)
- Added: Automatic daily opening of the doors in the advent calendar (Dec 1st update)
- Added: New colums for each building in Fortress and Underworld
- Added: It is now possible to upgrade the guild pet automatically or manually in guild details.
- Added: For choosing the dungeon to be entered, the winning chance can now be set as a selection criterion instead of level, too.
- Added: New dungeons (nordic/shadow nordic) and its setting (Dec 1st update)
- Added: New columns within Account overview: Sacrifice target and progress according to runes and setting
- Added: Own building orders within arena manager are now possible.
- Added: After finishing custom build order within fortress, normal build order will be activated.
- Changed: Setting underworld ressource gathering should be clearer now in several languages.
- Changed: Arena Manager columns within Account overview have been optimized for displaying bigger numbers
- Changed: Added confirmation dialog in the account window to prevent accidental removing of potions
- Changed: Extended inventory settings to support a maximum of 50 inventory slots (Max. keep free) (Dec 1st update)
- Changed: Precision and forecast of guild fight simulation should be much more precise now.
- Changed: Delay after sacrifice in arena manger is reset to immediately after the first income of seats. Consequently, the arena manager builds directly with the first money instead of waiting long in the worst case.
- Changed: The column “MailBox” now follows the global setting for unread messages parallel to the column “Unread messages”.
- Fixed: Guildmessages in case of somebody killing Hydra are now displayed properly.
- Fixed: Within the arena the bot didn’t use the ignore list when the simulation wasn’t active.
- Fixed: A bug within the logic to retrieve next fortress building and completion of manual fortress build order could lead to wrong buildings.
- Fixed: Rare issue in the fortress which lead to an error resulting in less attacks.
- Fixed: There was an error while loading a guild details, which had some negativ consequences.
- Fixed: Several visual bugs in the quest settings in multiple languages.
- Fixed: #524
- Fixed: Setting “Ignore unit buildings” withing underworld should work now as intended.
- Fixed: Problems in the upgrade of unit buildings, especially on ignoring them
- Fixed: Bug in displaying the guild chat message where the hydra was killed
- Fixed: Bug where the bot could try to open the advent calendar after no door was left
- Fixed: An unreachable server no longer prevents the bot to start/login the other accounts.
- Fixed: Bug on Login with a.o.t. too high data values of a previous fight
- Fixed: Multiple dungeons (Osteros, Shadow School, Hemorridor, Loop of Idols) were not being or not correctly being entered
- Fixed: Error in fortress regarding max level of gem mine.
- Fixed: Exception happening guild fights/raids simulation while using beta simulation
- Fixed: Batch action for sacrificing the arena was dependent on the accounts’ settings
- Fixed: Edge Case were a changed server address in Acc.ini could lead to infinte updates of the gem average.
- Removed: Within Arena Manager the option “Follow strategy strictly” got deprecated, as this is only affecting the SF server and the bot in a negative manner.
The bot now will only build more if sufficient money is within stock, which primarily is the case directly after sacrificing.
With some progress the bot will only have enough money to buy 1 level anyways, thus giving strict following in current late game.
Version 5.2.1
- Added: Batch action for sacrificing arena
- Added: Multiple settings for Arena Manager to increase performance and lower risk of being detected
- Added: Column for cyclic time. This way you can spot slow accounts and change settings accordingly
- Fixed: Error within arena manager regarding negative increasing rune amount
- Fixed: Pet items weren’t recognized on the wheel of fortune
- Fixed: Some items didn’t have their epic values
- Fixed: The attributes on items (especially the ones with just one attribute) weren’t always recognized anymore
Version 5.2
- New: The bot is now based on the .NET Framework 4.5.2 instead of the previous 4.5
- New: Arena Manager added. Already supported features:
- Building based on different strategies. (Custom Build Orders will be implemented lateron.)
- Sacrificing based on two strategies
- Possibility in General Settings to only show grouped log Messages for building
- Added: Possibility to use a new kind of simulation technology
- Added: Possibility to increase contrast for dark theme
- Added: Holy grail (automatic use and image)
- Added: Handling of Nicolaus Achievement without the need to change any settings.
- Added: Thousand-separation points for fortress wood, stone and rank
- (!) Changed: Multithreading is now enabled by default for new bot configurations
- (!) Changed: Arena waiting time is now independent from the setting if the account doesn’t have the mirror yet. This makes more and more inconspicuous arena fights between quests/cityguard possible
- Changed: Tavern “Ignore full Inventory” setting replaced by multiple options
- Fixed: Rare case of the bot going to cityguard for shorter time as it should have – but if the bot has only up to thirty minutes left, the bot will wait that time
- Fixed: Possibility of loop during guild building upgrades
- Fixed: Pet Dungeon now ignores full inventory, as this is not relevant after recent SF changes
- Fixed: Batch Action Buy Beer now even works for 1 beer and has correct error message.
- Fixed: If “Prefer gems” wasn’t enabled, they weren’t only not preferred, they weren’t thrown into the toilet at all
- Fixed: If “Ignore only black gems” was enabled, it might still have happened that the “Ignore gems” setting was used instead on non-black gems
- Fixed: Archiving private messages didn’t work because only the filename was
- Fixed: Double click on guild member didn’t open the window for it
- Fixed: Usage of the wrong skill upgrade price and its display in the character window
- Fixed: Arena didn’t wait in accordance with the settings, but always exactly 20 minutes
- Fixed: Arena waited on accounts without mirror up to 50 minutes
- Fixed: Rare edgecase in Arena leading to a timer problem.
- Fixed: Extended errorhandling regarding underworld attacks
- Fixed: There were situations where the bot did not dismantle the allowed number of items despite correct settings.
- Fixed: Favorized arena opponents didn’t get deleted, but repeatedly attacked instead
- Fixed: Loading and showing details of guild members now works again.
- Fixed: Issue while calculating cityguard duration, lead to not starting cityguard at all occasionally.
- Fixed: Edge case whith selling gems, preventing selling while not equipping (better than old gem, but not good enough according to setting)
- Fixed: Messages weren’t saved correctly
- Fixed: issue with underworld resource gathering during building upgrades
Version 5.1.5
- Added: New dungeon (Continuous Loop of Idols) and its setting (June 19th Update)
- (!) Added: Setting to enable school of magic (light/shadow)
- Added: Thousand separators in several columns
- Added: Gather gold from gold pit in the underworld if pit level is >= 25 (June 19th Update)
- Added: Underworld fights as account list column
- Added: Daily quest status as account list column
- (!) Changed: The bot now uses the own skill level by default if checking for guild building upgrades. The possibility for a check based on group skill remains as a setting.
- Fixed: Bug due to which the city guard could try to go longer than 10 hours
- Fixed: Missing item pictures
- Fixed: Bug that could occur in the fortress/underworld tab of the account window, if a building hadn’t been built yet
- Fixed: Bug in gem simulation that could lead the bot to assume the average gem value is zero
- Fixed: Improved database behavior
- Fixed: Improved item cache behavior
- Fixed: Switching size of guild list elements
- Fixed: Improved memory usage, especially on bots with a lot of accounts
Version 5.1.5
- Changed: Buy Free Functionallity now considers Potions as well.
- Changed: Warning and cancelation in rare case where item changes during buy process
- Changed: Now in case of next fortress building upgrade beeing Gemmine bot will check if only stone is missing. If Gem search would end before enough stone are reached bot will perform a gem search.
- Fixed: Favorized arena fighting: Correct handling of “Only delete after win”
- Fixed: Bug regarding building upgrades not beeing possible
Version 5.1.4
- Added: Class bonus addition for berserker and battle mage shown in character tabs skill tooltips.
- Added: Possibility to choose secondary factor on normal quests
- Added: Setting to enable showing not only user messages, but all messages (e.g. fights) in “unread messages” count
- Changed: Epics now also have a blue background in the shop and equipment window for better recognition (but can be disabled in the global settings)
- Changed: Manual gem search start is now possible, if the account has enough gold, even if the actually available gold (minimum gold setting, saving settings, …) wouldn’t be enough
- Changed: Guild chat updates are now excluded from the set minimum/maximum waiting time
- Changed: Starting guild fights is now excluded from the set minimum/maximum guild waiting time
- Changed: Guild waiting time now gets reduced if a fight has to be registered for in the time span
- Changed: Now the bot waits between one and two minutes before an building upgrade
- Fixed: Class bonus addition in skills
- Fixed: Bot tried to do hydra fights if they were enabled but the account was not in a guild
- Fixed: Wrong texts in underworld fight settings
- Fixed: Entering of Twister
- Fixed: Dismantling items if the account has no pets yet
- Fixed: Wrong alignment of shards in account window
- Fixed: Bugs in SQLite connection
- Fixed: Bug in building upgrades if the guild hall reached level 20 and “Prefer guild hall” was enabled
- Fixed: Setting of maximum guild upgrade level
- Fixed: Display of epics in the inventory
- Fixed: Console logs are flushed to their files on exit
- Fixed: Guild XML Dumps
- Fixed: Equipping of “shield” slot on assassins
- Fixed: Bug in simulation caching which theoretically could have led to problems
- Fixed: Bug in equipping items on the standard classes
- Fixed: Bug in city guard which could on rare cases make the bot go 10 hours on city guard instead of starting to quest
- Fixed: Wrong alternating row color in Log window on dark design
- Fixed: Wrong number of unread messages
- Fixed: Bug on some private servers
- Fixed: Bug in updating the internal shops, leading to the bot trying to buy wrong items in the wrong shop
Version 5.1.3
- Added: Setting “Save won fights” for dungeons
- Added: Possibility to upgrade treasure/master of a guild automatically
- Added: Column “Underworld upgrade until”
- Added: Cooldown of Hydra in the account window
- Added: Possibility to manually dismantle items at the blacksmith
- Added: Possibility to use mushrooms for skipping gem search if it doesn’t take longer than a set time
- Added: Gem search actions for batch menu
- Changed: Epics now have a blue background in the inventory for better recognition
- Changed: Event recognition from server-wide to account-wide (fixed the recognition of Epic Events between account with level < 50 and those with level >= 50
- Changed: If gems are equipped on an item, the item image in the bot now reflects the exact gem that’s equipped
- Fixed: Equipping of items for the Berserker class type
- Fixed: Glitching account window if fortress is not active yet
- Fixed: Wrong column order at bot start if the column order was changed manually
- Fixed: Upgrade of buildings above the level of fortress / heart of darkness
- Fixed: Bug in the display of group skills if they were different
- Fixed: Bug in twister log messages
- Fixed: Bug where an already finished guild portal was displayed as manually enterable
- Fixed: Bug where the bot could crash due to an StackOverflowException under heavy load
- Fixed: Bugs in manually starting the gem search
- Fixed: Bug in guild raid timer
Version 5.1.2
- Added: New character class “Berserker”
- Added: Fights against the Hydra
- Added: If the quest duration is lowered by the 36960-Foot-Enchantment, that will be shown in the account window
- Added: Setting for enabling gem search while account is on long cityguard (> 6 hours)
- Added: Recognition of “New world” event
- Added: Show stopping progress on bot closing (for bots that need a long time closing)
- Changed: Guild messages are now only fetched from the local database if the user enabled it (global settings)
- Changed: If the button for manual update check is pressed, the bot now tells you if no update is available.
- Changed: Current action of an account will be canceled if city guard is started from the batch menu
- Changed: Adjusted maximum level of gold pit and gem mine to 100 according to patch 3.031
- Changed: Gem search and gem mine upgrade can now be done simultaneously if gem mine is >= level 25 (also with patch 3.031)
- Changed: Guild portal is now disconnected from dungeon portal setting “Do only after quests” and instead got its own setting
- Changed: Companions now also get gems if the setting for companion equipping is turned off
- Fixed: Entering Twister Dungeon (on any level)
- Fixed: Discarding messages in the message window
- Fixed: Display of account window if an item is in the inventory but its type is not equipped on the character
- Fixed: Adjusted inventory tooltips to new (>v5.1) item improvement calculation
- Fixed: If the guild portal is done, the setting now gets deactivated
- Fixed: Notifications now can also be turned off in the global settings
- Fixed: Glitching current version in changelog
Version 5.1.1
- Added: New setting for disabling/enabling Hemorridor
- Changed: If gem search is not longer than two hours, do it also while account is on long cityguard
- Fixed: Recognition of underworld as “ready”
- Fixed: Wrong Limitation on guild Master/Gold Levels
- Fixed: Edge case resulting in crash during Item selling
- Fixed: Changed default log level to information
- Fixed: Check for null gems in quests to avoid empty gem notes
- Fixed: Bugs in spanish translation causing the bot to not open account details
- Fixed: Bug in bot-internal restarts (e.g. after language switches)
- Fixed: Bug where the bot couldn’t skip/delete one guild if it didn’t exist
- Fixed: Wrong city guard time on fewer than one hour time (not 10 hours, but one hour now, if the “long” guarding time reaches into the hourly time)
- Fixed: If the city guard has 0 hours to go (because there are only 20-30 minutes left or sth like that), the bot now goes to one hour
Version 5.1.0 (since Beta 19)
- Added: Simulation of pet fights and the priority to find pets in quests
- Added: Dungeon “Hemorridor” (Light/Shadow)
- Added: Spanish translations
- Added: Batch menu
- Added: Possibility to resume paused accounts
- Added: Filter textbox for filtering displayed log entries
- Added: New guild information to guild window and the possibility to manually upgrade own skills added new guild information to guild window and the possibility to manually upgrade own skills
- Changed: Behavior of manual guild fight attacks: The window now doesn’t close auto
- Changed: “You” over character image (character tab of account window) changes to currently active companion if necessary
- Changed: Gold pit now has the correct maximum level
- Fixed: Fixed hatching eggs and nests
- Fixed: Lowered memory usage
- Fixed: Wrong maximum level on osteros
- Fixed: Wrong dungeon round logs
- Fixed: Bug where quests couldn’t be finished manually over city tab of account window
- Fixed: Bug where quests could be canceled even though they were already done (only not finished yet)
- Fixed: Multiple bugs leading to Message (Guild.cs) enumeration being changed while enumerated
- Fixed: Bug in blacksmith dismantling
- Fixed: Bug where saving for eggs really saved for the scrapbook
- Fixed: Bug resulting in linux systems to not use backup files
- Fixed: Maximum scrapbook item amount
- Fixed: “no more dismantle today” for weapons of mages and scouts
- Fixed: Stability improvements
- Removed: Global settings for bottles because the bot now searches dynamically