Despite unforeseen schedule issues, we can provide the next version of the bot today, which can now counter the Assassin update at release level, too.
So, since version 4.7.1 we added particularly support of the new assassin class and also support for the two new dungeons (light / shadow). We have also raised the pet level limit (according to the SF update) up to level 200 and fixed a few minor bugs, the exact changelog can be found below.
For beta users, the 4.7.2 release’s main difference is the completion of the assassin support and a bugfix that addresses our dynamic update feature of the dungeon (opponent) list and fixes any resulting bugs.
In addition, we changed a few things in the damage calculation, which we have apparently neglected in recent years a bit and which therefore caused a few bugs in the item / fight simulator (and of course in the account window).
We wish you a happy remaining Sunday!
~ Robin
Attention: This version requires server with S&F 2.0 update!
You can find the download links and language packs on the downloads page!
Changelog 4.7.2:
+ implemented assassin class type [B]
+ added support for light/shadow dungeon [B]
~ changed limit of pet levels up to 200 according to the new update [B]
# fixed feeding of pets with level > 100 [B]
# fixed monday event recognizing [B]
# adjustments for arena modes [B]
# fixed crash on some console key behavior and replaced it with gathering more information about the issue
# fixed multiple log entries on console crash
[B] at the end of an entry means that this change was already part of the beta program
+ means “Feature added”
~ means change of a features/window
# means Bugfix
– means “Feature removed”