UPDATE 06.02. 23:05: Because some users on x86 platforms did have problems, we now provide a corrected version!
ATTENTION! If you ran version before, you _have_ to delete the sqlite3.dll manually if you’ve trouble on starting the bot!
Good evening!
We are proud to present you the new version of MFBot after 4 weeks.
We will try to keep this rhythm so that errors can be fixed more quickly.
Robin has done a lot in this direction: Since he had to spend a lot of time to create the different versions, he did set up a build server to automate most of this.
In addition, beginning with this version, the bot is also available for Linux 32Bit so that users of older systems can benefit of the bot.
This release is primarily a bug fix release – you can see the details below in the changelog.
But I would like to go into 3 error corrections separately:
Many users have noticed that the Bot does not display texts correctly if it contains umlauts or special characters.
For that we can thank Playa, who (again) changed the coding.
We have now adjusted this accordingly and hope that it remains now.
A second, often reported bug, was the wrong display of the level which is fixed now and should’nt cause problems anymore.
The third and biggest point were the mistakes in the cityguard:
Again and again, problems and changes led to other problems.
We must therefore be grateful to Robin, who had mercy on the problem and has re-written the method from scratch and immediately provided appropriate tests.
In addition to a few performance improvements, we also added a few small delicacies:
The bot now has a heart for animals and therefore goes into the pet dungeons to find new pets.
Furthermore, the settings have been improved regarding which pets the Bot should feed: You can now adjust which classes and how many pets are to be fed per day.
A second improvement was given to the items and precious stones!
In addition to the bugfixes in the creation of items and precious stones, the bot can now determine the value for the setting “Gem value for better calculation” by himself.
If you set the value to 0, the bot uses the average value of all found gems since the last mine expansion.
Have a nice remaining day 😉
Attention: This version requires server with S&F 2.0 update!
You can find the download links on the downloads page!
English language package: Download (99%)
Czech language package: Download (99%)
Hungarian language package: Download (99%)
Spanish language package: Download (99%)
Polish language package: Download (97%)
Portuguese language package: Download (99%)
For using the language files, just go to global settings and chooste the language.
For updating the language files, delete the old folder with the language shortcut (“de”, “en”, “hu” or “cs”) and open the global settings again (and then choose the language you want)
(You can also unzip the *.zip in the directory of the MFBot as until now, in which you use the bot – so that you have a folder named with the language shortcut in which there are two or more dlls.)
Changelog 4.6.3:
+ Console:
+> added output fortress building level command
+> updates can now be disabled with /autoupdate off
+> /select works now
+> console language can be changed to something other than german
+ Logs:
+> better logs when equipping gems
+> added LogSource “Equipment”
+> log size can now be configured in general settings
+ Pets:
+> new setting “max number of pets to feed per day”
+> added possibility to ignore classes of pets for feeding
+ bot now saves average gem levels and uses them if gem value for better items check is 0
+ made inventory wider
+ units will be upgraded in a row if resources are sufficient
+ added column for count of favourite enemies in Arena
+ output why money will be saved if saving is enabled
~ COMPLETE rewrite of the cityguard functions (!)
~> changed behaviour of “00:00:00 until 00:00:00” to using own hour setting
~ log form: log weight works with the “eqaul or heavier”-method, example: Is “info” selected, the bot shows Info, Warn and Error.
~ added ressources to fortress fight log message
~ added option for chosing if fortress attacks should only be done if they are worth (regarding resources)
~ save money for enchanting only once instead of saving money seperately for each item
~ if the setting “accounts in different threads” is not checked, the bot will no longer pause if the account is busy.
~ splitted international servers from local ones in the “New account” window
~ put a bit of html layout into the mail notification
~# disable button automatic skilling after klick to prevent multiple executions
# button automatic skilling now works even if bot for the account is not running
# many “minor performance improvements”
# fixed endless item swapping on which the gem value for better item check was ignored for equipped items
# fixed equipment form displaying wrong values with endurance/strength gems
# fixed guild displaying the player twice
# fixed logmessage “Quest x nach Auswahlverfahren” when quest is picked because of better items
# fixed crash in Arena if favorite list is empty
# fixed wrong improvement value when replacing gems
# fixed Bot saving too much gold at enchantment
# equip items with socket only if item is useful for character
# “Choose building” will (again) not be shown if the first building was selected
# fixed mail notifications
# fixed replacing gem on the same item
# fixed gem value for better item calculation setting
# only gather resources if building is not being upgraded
# fixed help links in Help Window showing an empty window
# fixed raid setting being deleted
# fixed mail showing control characters
# fixed exception when Account window is open and treasury was upgraded
# fixed crash if the bot didn’t know a dungeon monster
# Fixed level display on first ten dungeons
# Fixed recognition of available languages
# Fixed custom fortress build order building not selected buildings
# fixed exception when using stop all accounts
# fixed bug where mushroom limit didn’t work on quest skipping
# Tower fights show the companion names again
# fixed wrong order in Fortress custom build order
# show tray notifications only if account has notifications checked
# Do not output successful eqipment change if the change failed
# fixed loop when account is is logged out while running (
# fixed dropping items to cauldron even if witch is not yet available
# fixed wrong level bug
# only save once for each action
# fixed Bot playing after events on monday
# fixed (again) just used utf8-encoding
# fixed possible exceptions if Int32 value is exceeded
# fixed problem that bot only trains one unit at the same time
# fixed toilet issues with gems
# Fixed multiple crash causes
– removed list of useragents. You can still change the user agent manually or by clicking “show UA”
– removed useless “Specialserver” entry at the end of the server list in New Account form
+ means “Added feature”
~ means “Change in feature or window”
# means “Bugfix”
– mean “Delete of feature or window”