Fortress and Underworld bulding

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Registriert: Mo 28. Jun 2021, 19:39
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Fortress and Underworld bulding

Beitrag von xyrosek »

Hello, I've been using this bot for a while and it was working fine I had no issues. Yesterday I think it started after I unlocked the underworld, non of the buildings is upgrading it self how I set it the "building upgrades". I have everything marked correct. If anyone has came across issue like this please let me know if you managed to fix it somehow. To avoid unnecessary questions, yes I do have enough resources.
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Registriert: Mo 28. Jun 2021, 19:39
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Re: Fortress and Underworld bulding

Beitrag von xyrosek »

Ok, I have just find out that I had money saving mode on so that was the reason my buldings weren't building but still I have problem with "Custom building order" in underworld everysingle time when I set my custom order it changes it self to a normal upgrading mode "evenly all building", any ideas what's the reason behind it?
There is a screenshot of what is poping up in the "account log" file.
There is a screenshot of what is poping up in the "account log" file.
custom building.png (5.3 KiB) 712 mal betrachtet
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Registriert: Mo 8. Jun 2015, 17:36
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Re: Fortress and Underworld bulding

Beitrag von F0restbear »

Hey there,

what building order are you using?
Viele Grüße / Best regards

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Mo 28. Jun 2021, 19:39
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Re: Fortress and Underworld bulding

Beitrag von xyrosek »

There you can check them out on screenshot
Bez tytułu.png
Bez tytułu.png (2.92 KiB) 669 mal betrachtet

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