Login Issue since latest Game update today

Fehler der Release-Versionen
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Login Issue since latest Game update today

Beitrag von vinc_ent »

Debug Database Opening sqlite database..
Debug Database sqlite validation successfull
Debug Database current DB version is 10
Error Core Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.
Message: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.
HResult: -2146233088
Source: Newtonsoft.Json
StackTrace: bei Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseValue()
bei Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.ReadForType(JsonReader reader, JsonContract contract, Boolean hasConverter)
bei Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Boolean checkAdditionalContent)
bei Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType)
bei Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value, Type type, JsonSerializerSettings settings)
bei de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Server.R() in File194:Zeile 917.
bei de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Server.get_V() in File194:Zeile 56.
bei de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Server.get_GameServerId() in File194:Zeile 221.
bei de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Server.TV.G(SFAccountLinkedCharacter G) in File194:Zeile 594.
bei System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
bei de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Server.V(Account G, SsoAccountSettings F) in File194:Zeile 592.
bei de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Server.login(Account acc) in File194:Zeile 529.
bei de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Account.login(Boolean relog) in File0:Zeile 1760.
bei de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Account.start() in File0:Zeile 1853.
bei de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.PerformanceHelper.UR.G() in File202:Zeile 242.
TargetSite: Boolean ParseValue()

GUI Bot on Windows
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Re: Login Issue since latest Game update today

Beitrag von vinc_ent »

Sorry I still was on Version 5.6.1 with 5.6.2 login do work
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Re: Login Issue since latest Game update today

Beitrag von Wasabi »

I have a problem with Account SF since lastest Game Update : The given key was not present in the dictionnary,
I tested with delete account and add account : impossible to find character with sf account
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Re: Login Issue since latest Game update today

Beitrag von Kevo98 »

Got the same issue with latest (Chinook)
Character-List from SSO-Account doesn't load and I can't login those in my list
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Wasabi (Do 12. Okt 2023, 14:13) • BeLac007 (Fr 13. Okt 2023, 15:20) • Julian_H (Mo 16. Okt 2023, 20:36)
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Re: Login Issue since latest Game update today

Beitrag von BeLac007 »

Kevo98 hat geschrieben: Do 12. Okt 2023, 13:51 Got the same issue with latest (Chinook)
Character-List from SSO-Account doesn't load and I can't login those in my list
Sowohl Windows 10 als auch 11 wurden heute aktualisiert. Seitdem können Sie sich nicht mehr beim Bot anmelden. Ich habe versucht, Windows zurückzusetzen, aber es hat nicht funktioniert.
Es funktionierte vor dem Windows-Update.

Both Windows 10 and 11 were updated today. Since then, he has not been able to log into the bot. I tried to restore Windows but it didn't work.
Mfbot worked before Windows update.
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Re: Login Issue since latest Game update today

Beitrag von DasAoD »

Das hat nichts mit dem Update von Windows zu tun.
Der Bot musste danach ja neu gestartet werden und bei Shakes & Fidget gab es eine Änderung. Is an anderer Stelle des Forums nachzulesen. :)

This has nothing to do with the Windows update.
The bot had to be restarted afterwards and there was a change in Shakes & Fidget. You can read about it elsewhere in the forum. :)
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor DasAoD für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
BeLac007 (Fr 13. Okt 2023, 15:20) • Julian_H (Mo 16. Okt 2023, 20:37)
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Re: Login Issue since latest Game update today

Beitrag von BeLac007 »

It's counterintuitive to say the least.
Today, I imported the program on a pen drive to my company computer and it works, logged in and does its job.
Company machines can only be updated with the permission of the system administrator, but he always waits a couple of months.
Of course, the two things are definitely related, I'm not disputing that, but it's quite interesting.
Of course, a fix would be nice, because it doesn't work on any of my computers at home.
The corporate WIN 11.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor BeLac007 für den Beitrag:
WhatSoupGuy (So 15. Okt 2023, 19:18)
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Re: Login Issue since latest Game update today

Beitrag von BeLac007 »

You are right, it only works until the PC is restarted. It didn't go any further. :(
The sfbot.de directory must be deleted.
The sfbot.de directory is on several sites. I had it in both the Local and Roaming directories.
I deleted the two directories and this is how Sfbot works. :)
Unfortunately, this has to be done again after restarting. :(
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor BeLac007 für den Beitrag:
WhatSoupGuy (So 15. Okt 2023, 19:18)
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Re: Login Issue since latest Game update today

Beitrag von beroun »

This method of deleting the files in AppData works only for older servers. Servers such as F2 (one I am in), f3, f4, EU7, etc., don't work even after doing this. Funny enough, f1 does work even if it's only a few weeks/months older than f2
Also it needs to be done every time you close the bot, before opening it again

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