Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von Ninico219 »

Nevermind, it works, wrong password...

What meaning with Active crawling threads??
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von DasAoD »

Ninico219 hat geschrieben: Mi 28. Feb 2024, 19:37 Nevermind, it works, wrong password...

What meaning with Active crawling threads??
Um es aufs Kleinste runter zu brechen; Damit werden mehrere Verbindungen zum Server hergestellt, damit die Suche in der Ehrenhalle schneller durchgeführt wird.
Ich muss noch mal gucken, aber ich denke marenga hat das schon mal irgendwo geschrieben.

To break it down to the smallest detail; this establishes several connections to the server so that the search in the Hall of Honor can be performed more quickly.
I'll have to look again, but I think marenga has already written this somewhere.

-> viewtopic.php?p=18514#p18514
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von StewieBiatch »

Ninico219 hat geschrieben: Mi 28. Feb 2024, 19:30 I want to play EU10 not EU1

with s1 it says player not found
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von ferinha1234 »

for me it's gathering old data from characters... the helper attacks a guy lv 3 but in the reality its lvl 30 then I lost the battle for example
Am I doing something wrong?
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von marenga »

ferinha1234 hat geschrieben: Mo 4. Mär 2024, 23:59 for me it's gathering old data from characters... the helper attacks a guy lv 3 but in the reality its lvl 30 then I lost the battle for example
Am I doing something wrong?
The data automatically fetched at start is a few days old, so for new servers, there might be a discrepancy in levels & items. You can clear the crawling progress & crawl the data yourself with the buttons on the left, if you want new newest data.

I am also currently in the progress of completely rewriting this tool from scratch, which will include automatic revalidation in cases like this, but you will have to wait a few days, until that version comes out
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von StewieBiatch »

If you are doing so, please show somewhere what server you are logged in. I have multiple characters and never know to what i am logged in now. Add an option to log out for another login. That download of whole pack of data - make it checked and add an option to uncheck it when you are login in. Maybe use this tool for looking for players with no armor on? I had few more notes, but kill me if you have to but i can not remember them now
good idea
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von good idea »

marenga hat geschrieben: So 7. Jan 2024, 23:52 API

If you want to build a tool to talk to the Shakes and Fidget servers, you need to have an API, that handles the communication. Whatever the mfbot uses to do so is not open to the public and as far as I know, there is no other community API. As such, I made my own:

This should allow you to build everything from a script to update your charcter description, up to a fully fledged Shakes and Fidget Bot without ever having to think about the horrible S&F Server encoding. I will try to keep the API up to date, but feel free to open a github issue, if anything needs to be updated, or is otherwise broken, or missing.

Scrapbook Helper

As a proof of concept, I also built myself a small tool to quickly fill the scrapbook:


I hope someone here has a use for this :D
this is a great tool! Thank you very much!
But what we really need is a tool to complement the MF Bot!

I'm sure everyone has already noticed what the MF Bot doesn't do well:
1. sell gems
2. sell potions
3. preferably throw epics into the toilet until Aura 66
4. pick up events
5. upgrade the fortress (mine first up to 100)
6. equip with consideration of the runes
7. play with the Alter Ego's equipment

If someone would write such a tool, he would be a SF God for me!
Best regards!
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von marenga »

Hey, the new version is almost finished. It is a complete rewrite of the old tool, that includes new features like:
- Multi account support
- A new (better) UI
- Different color schemes (themes)
- Support for login via Steam & Google
- Remember me button for SF & normal accounts
- Automatic refetching of the best characters to make sure the info is correct
- Arena Blacklist to avoid strong enemies during auto battle after a few tries
- Seperate tab to view high level characters with no equipment for easy underworld progress
- Custom Crawling order, that you can change at any time
- Option in the settings to disable loading of new HoF versions from my server
- Faster and less server intensive crawling with only 1 crawler account per server, instead of 1 per thread
- Faster calculations for best players
- Faster backup reading & writing
- Info column to see player attributes, not just level in scrapbook view
- Fix a bunch of bugs

The new architecture of this version should also make it much easier for me to add new stuff, so a "automatically pick up events" checkbox somewhere should be pretty easy to add in the future.
I am planing to release this on github tomorrow or so, but would like to make sure this works correctly and not just on my machine.
If you want to help me test that and give some overall feedback on usability, feel free to download the pre-release version here

Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor marenga für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
denamon (So 10. Mär 2024, 00:21) • DasAoD (So 10. Mär 2024, 14:24)
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von denamon »

Amazing update thank you
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marenga (So 10. Mär 2024, 17:19)
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von DasAoD »

Thank you for this awsome update. :D
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor DasAoD für den Beitrag:
marenga (So 10. Mär 2024, 17:19)

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