[4.4.2]-[] Guild battle cannot be started

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Re: [4.4.2]-[] Guild battle cannot be started

Beitrag von Baaam »

So we finally figured out the problem. First there is a mistake in our code: the bot doesn't say anything when he can't find a guild. He just skips it. We added this log message for the future.

Your problem are the quotes around the guild names. So your FAV.GUILDS should look like: DIABLO/Инквизиция/Старые пни
In the bot just type a guild name, slash, next guild name, slash and so on when adding guilds to fav list.

Did you add the quotes manually or is this a mistake of the bot maybe? That would be interesting to know for us. And of course let us know if it worked after removing quotes :) Order of TIME1 and TIME2 shouldn't play a role anymore - you can test both kinds if you want
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Baaam für den Beitrag:
rvm1975 (Mi 12. Okt 2016, 22:07)
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Re: [4.4.2]-[] Guild battle cannot be started

Beitrag von rvm1975 »

I removed the quotes and will update tomorrow with results

Actually in help there is text - Use "/" to separate. That is why I decided to use quotes ... :oops:
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor rvm1975 für den Beitrag:
Baaam (Mi 12. Okt 2016, 22:13)
Core Developer
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Registriert: Mo 23. Dez 2013, 14:13
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Re: [4.4.2]-[] Guild battle cannot be started

Beitrag von Baaam »

That's what we thought why you did that :D Let us know about the result tomorrow and we will add some text there, that no quotes are necessary :P
Beiträge: 112
Registriert: Di 7. Apr 2015, 16:34
Wohnort: Ukraine, Lviv
Hat sich bedankt: 35 Mal
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Re: [4.4.2]-[] Guild battle cannot be started

Beitrag von rvm1975 »

It works :)


We may move this topic. Sorry for inconvenience with configuration.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor rvm1975 für den Beitrag:
Baaam (Do 13. Okt 2016, 10:46)
Core Developer
Beiträge: 967
Registriert: Mo 23. Dez 2013, 14:13
Hat sich bedankt: 172 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 206 Mal

Re: [4.4.2]-[] Guild battle cannot be started

Beitrag von Baaam »

No problem - just funny that we already got 6 configs or something like this from you and never saw the quotes :D Sorry for the needed time to realize this^^ We will add a texthint to the window that the quotes shouldn't be added, just the slash :D

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