Gem Filter

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Beiträge: 118
Registriert: Mi 24. Sep 2014, 13:14
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Gem Filter

Beitrag von blablabla »

First of all thanks for all the great update of this days! <3

I wish suggest a filter for the gems, because with the new feature is nice have always good gems ready to be equipped. To do so we need turn on the research, but turning it on we full the inventor of gems :D

So i suggest a filter like:

Keep the N best gems of the stat used from the toon (where N is a number set by the user ofc :p ) and sell all the other gems that aren't used or are too low respect the others.

Like you can guess the filter can be more complex, and allow to indicate the number of the quantity of any single stat to keep.

My 2 cents.

Thanks for the support again! :D
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Registriert: Fr 3. Feb 2017, 04:51
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Re: Gem Filter

Beitrag von vaskrist »


this request is just like the request in viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1392.

Also the selling of gems could be more simple in the beginning, where the bot could start selling gems from the weakest if the inventory is full.
Another criteria could be if they are more than X point or X% worse than your lowest equipped gem.
Beiträge: 118
Registriert: Mi 24. Sep 2014, 13:14
Hat sich bedankt: 21 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 17 Mal

Re: Gem Filter

Beitrag von blablabla »

Sorry if i up this thread, but again i was full of useless gems :P Hope you can insert this feature in a next release ;)

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