Bot stopped doing

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Bot stopped doing

Beitrag von Marcin97 »

Hello. Below I will write you a list of things that - as I noticed - the bot stopped doing. Unfortunately, I have the impression that every hour he does less and less of these activities.
Most importantly, around 7 pm, he stopped logging into the SF account, which completely prevents the use of the bot on this account.
Apart from that:
- I don't drink beer
- does not save changes to settings (e.g. feeding pets)
- does not release the gem mining bounty
- does not attack enemies in the Underground
- does not play properly entered and set guild fights
- does not improve character stats

If you have noticed anything else that your bot does not perform, and I have not included it in the list of these activities, please write about it in the comment.

I hope that developers and programmers will deal with these problems as soon as possible and that using our program will continue to be pleasant and useful as before.
After the release of a new version of the bot with working functions, of course, I will donate.
Save us as soon as possible!
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Registriert: Do 14. Mai 2020, 00:14
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Re: Bot stopped doing

Beitrag von DasAoD »

No words.
Does anyone in any forums even bother to use the search function or read posts that have only recently been created?

Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor DasAoD für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 3):
neuhier (Do 20. Jul 2023, 23:31) • f4mous (Do 20. Jul 2023, 23:31) • Squishy (Fr 21. Jul 2023, 05:28)
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Re: Bot stopped doing

Beitrag von jhfb »

No they just post what is bothering them, hoping they'll get the private treatment :king:
Core Developer
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Re: Bot stopped doing

Beitrag von Baaam »

Please us the other thread for this problems. We are already working on it.

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