Equipment capacity sorting by fill percentage

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Registriert: Mo 16. Jul 2018, 11:52
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Equipment capacity sorting by fill percentage

Beitrag von CinExPL »

Little feature request - sorting accounts by equipment capacity fill percentage (1/5 = 20%, 3/9 = 33.3%, 3/6 = 50%) instead of how it's today (now it's sorted by max capacity (1/5, 3/6, 3/9...) :D
mfbt.png (12.48 KiB) 1826 mal betrachtet
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor CinExPL für den Beitrag:
Bumm (Mo 24. Jun 2019, 12:20)
hello :D
have a nice day!

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