Die Suche ergab 6 Treffer

von tallsheets
Mi 6. Jul 2016, 23:45
Forum: CrawlerNG
Thema: CrawlerNG - Update 22.01.2023
Antworten: 667
Zugriffe: 870503

Re: CrawlerNG - Update 08.05.2016

Oh, okay thank you eu-police! I did not know I could write into the .json file like that.
von tallsheets
Mo 4. Jul 2016, 00:30
Forum: CrawlerNG
Thema: CrawlerNG - Update 22.01.2023
Antworten: 667
Zugriffe: 870503

Re: CrawlerNG - Update 08.05.2016

Thanks Nedd!
von tallsheets
Sa 2. Jul 2016, 17:02
Forum: CrawlerNG
Thema: CrawlerNG - Update 22.01.2023
Antworten: 667
Zugriffe: 870503

Re: CrawlerNG - Update 08.05.2016

Works again
EDIT: Aaaaaand it's over, not working.
von tallsheets
Sa 2. Jul 2016, 14:01
Forum: CrawlerNG
Thema: CrawlerNG - Update 22.01.2023
Antworten: 667
Zugriffe: 870503

Re: CrawlerNG - Update 08.05.2016

No, I did not do anything, time kinda solved it.
UPDATE: It doesn't work again :S
Although it still works with my char on w6...
von tallsheets
Sa 2. Jul 2016, 09:39
Forum: CrawlerNG
Thema: CrawlerNG - Update 22.01.2023
Antworten: 667
Zugriffe: 870503

Re: CrawlerNG - Update 08.05.2016

It works for me now.
von tallsheets
Fr 1. Jul 2016, 19:38
Forum: CrawlerNG
Thema: CrawlerNG - Update 22.01.2023
Antworten: 667
Zugriffe: 870503

Re: CrawlerNG - Update 08.05.2016

Yeah same for me as Nedd
My character at w6 works just fine, but w10 says "Unable to login"