Die Suche ergab 112 Treffer

von rvm1975
Sa 28. Okt 2017, 11:41
Forum: Erledigt
Thema: Unterwelt
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 10819

Re: Unterwelt

So underworld has 2 resources - souls from souls extractor and gold from gold pit. I like to have the collecting of gold and souls implemented. As for pvp - it is exploiteded. You may level some toon and keep it without weapon. It will allow to get decent quantity of souls without investing into gob...
von rvm1975
Di 10. Okt 2017, 21:47
Forum: Version 4.x
Thema: Where I can download linux version?
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 580

Where I can download linux version?

I tried to download console beta and failed


This url does not exists.
von rvm1975
Mo 9. Okt 2017, 19:51
Forum: Erledigt
Thema: "No matching dungeon opponents found" too often
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 2633

Re: "No matching dungeon opponents found" too often

von rvm1975
Mo 9. Okt 2017, 10:35
Forum: Erledigt
Thema: "No matching dungeon opponents found" too often
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 2633

"No matching dungeon opponents found" too often


This event is being logged every 2 minutes. I think it should not act like that

20171009 11:31:45 Info Dungeon No matching dungeon opponents found!
20171009 11:32:47 Info Dungeon No matching dungeon opponents found!
20171009 11:33:50 Info Dungeon No matching dungeon opponents found!
von rvm1975
Mo 9. Okt 2017, 00:27
Forum: Erledigt
Thema: Can not download linux version
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 739

Can not download linux version

Url http://www.mfbot.de/Download/MFBot_4650_Konsole_x86_64 does not exist on server, download drops error "302 Moved Temporarily" [root@centos-512mb-fra1-01 mfbot]# wget http://www.mfbot.de/Download/MFBot_4650_Konsole_x86_64 --2017-10-09 01:21:48-- http://www.mfbot.de/Download/MFBot_4650_K...
von rvm1975
Fr 2. Jun 2017, 22:49
Forum: Erledigt
Thema: []Guild rank problem?
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 790

Re: []Guild rank problem?

Not donating but see the same error [code2=]6/2/2017 11:24:25 PM Debug Guild General Following GuildRank couldn't be converted: 6/2/2017 11:24:25 PM Error Core XXX@YYY !##Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index !## at de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.GuildScreenResponse..ctor (System.String...
von rvm1975
Fr 31. Mär 2017, 20:30
Forum: Veraltet (?)
Thema: [] "Error Core Object ..." while attacking 545 twister boss
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 573

[] "Error Core Object ..." while attacking 545 twister boss

20170331 20:28:38 Info Dungeon You lost a fight against Twister Old level: 545 - new level: 545 20170331 20:28:38 Error Core Object reference not set to an instance of an object Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object HResult: -2147467261 Source: Basisbibliothek StackTrace: at...
von rvm1975
Do 30. Mär 2017, 21:07
Forum: Veraltet (?)
Thema: Console problem
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 2512

Re: Console problem

Sathorn hat geschrieben: Do 30. Mär 2017, 20:49 It works! Thanks.
Now, why I can't connect on Raspberry on https protocol?
According to Robin developers failed to find proper encryption libraries for mono.
von rvm1975
So 5. Mär 2017, 14:26
Forum: Version 4.x
Thema: How to start mfbot?
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 3225

Re: How to start mfbot?

Problem. Close PuTTY bot stopped :/ Use program tmux to keep console program running in background sudo apt-get install tmux and run bot like this tmux new-session -s mfbot -d ./MFBot_4631_Konsole_x86_64 to detach from tmux use CTRL + b, d (press CTRL + B then d) to attach type tmux a