Bot gets stuck at dice game/fortress and stops doing quests/guard

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Bot gets stuck at dice game/fortress and stops doing quests/guard

Beitrag von beroun »

I have encountered a weird bug that only happens on one of my characters. Every few hours, the bot stops working on it even if it keeps 'logged in', so I have to log out and log in again and then it works again. This is what the account log says, it somehow keeps trying fortress/dice game over and over.
dicegame-fortress.png (302.68 KiB) 1433 mal betrachtet
After seeing this, I disabled fortress fights and the dice game, but the same happened again. This time there seemed to be a server error, after which the bot only gathers resources once per hour but does nothing else.
server-error.png (272.74 KiB) 1433 mal betrachtet
Not sure what the problem could be, has anyone encountered something similar? It's fairly annoying because I have to be on my PC constantly, checking if the bot is still working or it stopped and I have to logout and log in again.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Bot gets stuck at dice game/fortress and stops doing quests/guard

Beitrag von Howeverr »

Seconded, happens to me as well every few days with the dice game but on different characters as well.

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