Loading stops at "Bereite Sprache vor"

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Loading stops at "Bereite Sprache vor"

Beitrag von juniorek998 »

Robin hat geschrieben: Sa 27. Jan 2024, 11:30 Hi there,

I've posted a status update last night (including the first Nightly/Alpha of the .NET 6 Bot) that might answer a few questions (although I didn't keep it as short as it could've been :D ).
If you've got any more questions, feel free to ask.

Hi zusammen,

ich habe heute Nacht/Morgen mal ein Statusupdate (inkl. der ersten Nightly/Alpha mit der neuen .NET 6 Basis) gepostet das ein paar Fragen beantworten sollte (auch wenn ich es nicht so "kurz" gehalten habe wie es vielleicht gegangen wäre :D)
Falls noch Fragen offen sind, fragt gerne, ich versuche sie so gut wie möglich zu beantworten.

Viele Grüße
Hi. I downloaded the latest version and unfortunately, my program stops while loading. I tried to download another version or even paste it into the old "changeling" bot. link to SS is provided below.

https://app.gemoo.com/share/image-annot ... 8714287104
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Re: Loading stops at "Bereite Sprache vor"

Beitrag von Robin »

Hi juniorek,

I've split your post into a new Version 6 forum so that other users can find posts related to that version better.

As for your problem: I'd think that the window for choosing a language is hidden behind the startup window.
If you move/drag it a bit to somewhere else, you should be able to choose a language and continue.

This is unfortunately something we have not been able to fix since version 4 - Windows seems to ignore all our instructions to put the language window on top.

MFBot-VersionCode-Zeilen*In Dateien*Letzte Version
MFBot 1.5.x64851Juli 2013
MFBot 2.x1436316März 2014
MFBot 3.x2209536März 2015
MFBot 4.x55242241Juli 2018
MFBot 5.x66000440Tbc
*Ohne automatisch generierten Designer-Code
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Re: Loading stops at "Bereite Sprache vor"

Beitrag von DasAoD »

I had the same problem tonight. I saw that 2 windows were open in the taskbar and closed one of them by right-clicking. This was probably the window for the language selection.
The program then started. 😄
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Re: Loading stops at "Bereite Sprache vor"

Beitrag von VADemon »

+1 here. I needed to start the bot fresh and it got stuck at 50% at this window. Because it doesn't show either window in the taskbar, I didn't know about the second window until I started the bot in the Windows Explorer window on the second monitor:
1. The blue window appeared on the second monitor (where mouse cursor and Explorer were)
2. The language selection window appeared on the main/first monitor --> something is wrong about your second window positioning code.

The issue is worsened by these facts:
1. The blue banner window is NOT draggable in all areas. Only the empty top left and top right can be clicked to move the window around
2. The language selection window does not have a taskbar icon.
3. The loading status should say "please select your language" then it'll be clear to the user there's something to be acted upon.


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