Setup and run on Raspberry (on start+daily)

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Registriert: Fr 30. Okt 2020, 16:57
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Setup and run on Raspberry (on start+daily)

Beitrag von brosassin »


I am trying to set it up and running on start on a raspberry pi using terminal.
I installed it successfully (MFBot_Konsole_ARMRasp on a clean Raspbian lite OS) but I can not start it.

I need help on:
-Finding the file to set the account.
-Making the script run on Raspbian OS start.
-Running the script once/twice a day to do what it does :lol:

I had made a similar project on raspberry years ago (I don't remember which version), so I know roughly what must be done. However, I can not find the information now.
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Registriert: Mo 8. Jun 2015, 17:36
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Re: Setup and run on Raspberry (on start+daily)

Beitrag von F0restbear »

Hey there,
Finding the file to set the account.
That would be your Acc.ini-file. I'd recommend uisng Windows to set it up as it can be quite troublesome doing it with the .txt-file

How do you plan on using your bot? Most users are running the bot 24/7 and therefore one start up is enough.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor F0restbear für den Beitrag:
brosassin (Di 3. Nov 2020, 13:31)
Viele Grüße / Best regards

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Registriert: Fr 30. Okt 2020, 16:57
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Re: Setup and run on Raspberry (on start+daily)

Beitrag von brosassin »

Thanx for your reply! You are right about the Acc.ini being easier to create on Windows, but I did not know where to find it on Raspbian (or Linux in general).

In the meantime, I managed to get it up and running. However, the instructions and information were difficult to find and scattered in many posts here and some other info-commands in linux-oriented websites.

For this reason I wrote a guide to setup the bot on a Raspberry (running Raspbian) with an automatic start-up. I will post it later in the day.
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Registriert: Di 18. Aug 2020, 22:16
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Re: Setup and run on Raspberry (on start+daily)

Beitrag von Oshino »

You can either use a cronjob (`crontab -e`) to start the bot every @reboot, define a system service or setup a startup application.
My crontablooks like this, the 10s delay is a hacky way to work around some minor issues.

@reboot sleep 10 && cd /home/pi/mfbot/ && ./MFBot_Konsole_ARMRasp > /home/pi/mfbot/cron_bot_log.txt 2>&1
Beiträge: 1139
Registriert: Mo 8. Jun 2015, 17:36
Hat sich bedankt: 39 Mal
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Re: Setup and run on Raspberry (on start+daily)

Beitrag von F0restbear »

Hey there,

sorry for the late reply. It's been really busy for us these last few days and weeks.

Thank you very much for sharing! I believe we had a user guide on how to set the Raspberry Pi up, but it's firstly in German and secondly pretty much outdated. So I'm sure English speaking users will definitely appreciate your work! But you are right, we should think about creating an "official" guide for both our German and English speaking users.
Viele Grüße / Best regards


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