Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer

von Floki
Mi 10. Mai 2023, 08:55
Forum: Version 5.x
Thema: mfbot-web issue
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 584

mfbot-web issue


I am receiving this every several seconds:

Code: Alles auswählen

 "POST /_dash-update-component HTTP/1.1" 403 -
Is this normal?

Any Idea where to start digging?

Thank you,
von Floki
Sa 6. Mai 2023, 10:17
Forum: Feature-Requests
Thema: Enabling/disabling daily calendar
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 1786

Enabling/disabling daily calendar

It would be super cool, if you could add a checkbox for enabling/disabling auto collecting daily calendar ( this would make possible doing calendar trick to skip unwanted months and doing the ones with xp) You can get ~1.5 levels from calendar this way each year :king:
von Floki
Fr 5. Mai 2023, 08:22
Forum: Feature-Requests
Thema: Support for S&F Account login
Antworten: 51
Zugriffe: 38409

Re: Support for S&F Account login

Logging on here daily 5-6 times to see an update un this! Thank you for your time and work!
von Floki
Mi 8. Feb 2023, 12:10
Forum: Feature-Requests
Thema: Calendar/WC epics
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 509

Re: Calendar/WC epics

Totally agree we need to add:

1.collect/don't collect Calendar

(Because there is a strategy skipping calendar sheets. By not collecting 1st day of calendar. The next day you will have a new calendar sheet.)

This way you can chose what sheets of 12 calendar you will fulfill... :geek:
von Floki
Mo 9. Jan 2023, 09:36
Forum: Lob, Kritik und Sonstiges
Thema: Planned released
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 2723

Re: Planned released

A quick release mini-patch for new "s1 eu" would be just in time! =))